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Moodfit Voted Best Overall Mental Health App, Best Mood Tracker, and Best App to Combat Negative Thinking

Updated: 6 days ago

We're very grateful for the awards Moodfit continues to receive for both consumers and for the enterprise. At the bottom of this post we've placed a sampling of these.

Updated March 18, 2025:

We're happy to report that in both 2024 and 2025 CNET has voted Moodfit the best app to combat negative thinking. Read more

Updated June 29, 2023:

We're excited to announce that Verywell Mind has for the fourth year in a row recognized Moodfit! In particular, they have voted Moodfit the best mood tracker of 2023! Read more

Updated July 8, 2022:

We're excited to announce that Verywell Mind has again this year selected Moodfit as the best overall mental health app of 2022! We're proud to say that we've now been selected best overall mental health app of the year three years in a row.

Verywell Mind is the largest online mental health publication in the world. To rank the top mental health apps they use their large network of both clinicians and end users. All Verywell content that contains a statement of medical fact is also vetted for accuracy by their board-certified physicians. The results of their ranking were authored by Amy Morin, LCSW the author of multiple books including, “13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do.” The study was reviewed medically by Steven Gans, MD.

Here are links to our best overall selection by Verywell Mind as well as a sampling of other "best of" lists in which Moodfit appears.


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