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Tools & Insights

for Your Mental Health

"Moodfit has made such a positive impact on my mental health... that sometimes I'm speechless as to how far I've progressed..."
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Do you feel stuck?
Do you know what you want to do, but you can't do it consistently? You're repeating the conditioning encoded in your nervous system. We can help you change this. Learn more
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Moodfit is based on the relationship between your thoughts, feelings & behaviors all happening in the context of your nervous system

To get different results we'll help you change your thinking and regulate your emotions.

How it works

There isn't a one-size-fits-all solution to good mental health. Moodfit provides a comprehensive set of customizable tools.


Learn and target what most affects your mood.


Awareness plus good practices done regularly is how to create a better mood.

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Writing a Diary

Reduce stress & build resilience

Build and restore good daily habits that reduce stress and build resilience. Celebrate the little wins that lead to bigger wins. Improve your mood.

Magnifying Glass

Learn what brings you up & down

Everyone is different. We'll help you learn what brings your mood up and down so you can focus your efforts on what matters most.

Image by Kenny Eliason

Beat rumination & procrastination

Learn to identify, manage and beat obstacles like rumination and procrastination that increase your stress level and cause frustration. 

Talking in Headset

Learn to respond versus react

When you're feeling stress you can be reactive. Learn to be more thoughtful and responsive instead of reactive. Experience the great personal power in this shift.

Portrait of Senior Woman

Get your motivation back

By taking small, consistent steps toward better mental health you'll develop a sense of agency and empowerment that can improve your self-esteem.

Brain Sketch

Identify & dispute distorted thinking

Cognitive distortions trick your brain. Learn what distortions automatically happen for you, and how to dispute them and rewire your thinking.

Try Moodfit Premium free for 7 days

Select desired program below & create account

Daily goals: mood journal, gratitude journal, breathwork, sleep & nutrition

Daily goals: mood journal & gratitude journal

Daily goals: mood journal, gratitude journal, mindfulness & sleep

Program: RELAX
Daily goals: mood journal, breathwork, mindfulness & grounding

Programs preconfigure your daily goals and notifications.You can change them anytime.

Easy to use tools

based on mental health best practices


Mood Journal

Get out of autopilot and learn what you're thinking and feeling. It starts with awareness. Learn more

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Nervous System

Do you feel stuck? It may be your conditioning that is held in your autonomic nervous system. Learn more

Grandma and Grandchild in Embrace

Gratitude Journal

Our brains are wired to more easily identify life's negatives. Rewire to see more of life's positives.

Eyes Closed


Calm your nervous system. It's a fast and effective way to deal with your stress.



Mindfulness doesn't have to be mysterious or frustrating. We'll help you get started. Listen to a sample

Mobile Phone


Eliminate common distorted thinking patterns like overgeneralizing using CBT thought records.


And more...

Grounding tool, mood boosting tool, reminders, and mental health assessments.

Understand how lifestyle activities affect your mood

Sleeping with Eye Mask

Sleep, exercise, nutrition & more

We'll help you understand what brings you up & down

Run your own customized experiments



Get weekly reports

See your data from many views

Learn what brings you up & down

How are people in your life affecting you?

Does going to bed earlier actually help?


Now you can find out.

A companion to therapy

Get the most out of the process. Help your therapist help you. Learn more 


For therapists

Taking a medication? Track it and see how it affects your mood.

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Learn to manage

Difficult emotions



& more

"This is the most amazing App. I like it because it shows me how I feel. My favorite section is the weekly review because I can read what I did that week and think about it if my mood was the right action for the situation. Absolutely, love this App. It is great."
- user Princess QD

What our users say

"This is the most amazing App. I like it because it shows me how I feel. My favorite section is the weekly review because I can read what I did that week and think about it if my mood was the right action for the situation. Absolutely, love this App. It is great."

- user PrincesseQD

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As seen on many "Best mental health app" lists including these.
Voted "Best Overall Mental Health App" 3 years in a row by Verywell Mind.

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